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not poetry, not purposeful, not pretending


Saturday, 29 January 2011

Gemini Rant

Our kind are one twelth
Of all people in health
Pollux or Castor
May answer our door

'There's no reason nor rhyme'
Claims the primal refrain
Yet to twins rhyme feels right
While reason wants to fight

'The future is bright'
Screams an exploding star
'But dark comes when its over'
Roars the last supernova

What should you believe?
That soft heart on your sleeve?
That strong voice from our memes?
That command from your genes?

Well it matters not
One ineffable jot
We're all laden with heft
This one fact can't be effed.

What's that tale on your back?
Why do you carry that sack?
Where's the coin that was tossed?
Will it land? Is it lost?

Tales have so many sides
Every person decides
What the point is to this
What it is that they miss

Hear these lines from my lips
Turn them down like bad trips
Feel the power twixt my hips
And thank Chaos for zips

Was that journey a dream?
Was your laughter a scream?
Did your smile throw light
On despair or delight?

Make me yours, let me be
Pull me close, set me free
Take my hand, do not touch
It's too much, not enough

Pull them down, hold it high
Tell the truth, it's a lie
You must go, but please stay
We can't work - let us play