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not poetry, not purposeful, not pretending


Thursday 30 June 2011

Wednesday 29 June 2011

Alien Lament

Orwell's losing, Huxley's winning,
Folk consume 'till their heads are spinning,
Our 'Brave New World' trumps '1984',
The twenty-first century is a chrono-whore.

Accumulation of maximum money
Ranks much higher than what's good or funny,
Right or wrong's now not so absolute,
So if you pay your way you can shit or shoot.

The dollar-sign is our species symbol,
From our genetic code to our frenetic sins,
While our other values wouldn't fill a thimble
And just protect us from any financial pins.

So on your First Contact with us on Earth,
Aliens, listen up, for what it's worth:
Whatever wisdom you kindly offer
Will become another coin in the human coffer,
So get your noble visit over fast as poss
Then teleport like hell, or make First Loss.

Monday 27 June 2011

The Secret

The Secret is much more than just a thing that you can’t say
It’s a burden and a freedom, and a jagged broken link
The Secret is so special that it can’t be washed away
It’s a critical deception, so much more than you might think.

The Secret can be kept by more than kings, liars and fools
You don’t need a plan or goal, or any special kind of tools
It eats into your soul, and from the centre to the edge
The Secret is an everlasting fire-burning pledge.

But when you have the Secret and life lets you fall in love
The person who you love may want to share the Secret too
But you know from deep inside and from those values high above
That you must shield them at all costs from what this wry Secret can do.

Friday 24 June 2011


A fractal fate, an open gate,
A falling wall, a lifted weight,
A dawn portrait of quality,
An undrawn map of destiny.

Shooting stars aren't meant to fall,
They sing of light and zoom and call,
They only die inside their dreams
Of people doomed by hapless schemes.

A portal hums and opens up,
A mortal swears on golden cup,
Now I can through full-moonery
Uncloak a deeper you and me.

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Yeah yeah yeah

I could write top pop songs
That go "boom boom boom boom
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah"
Say things like: "My bedroom's
For just you only girl
And when I call your phone
You make me hot and moan
I'll buy you lots of bling
And you can kiss my ring".

But I hate most pop songs
Don't want big hits or gongs
Or tussles with King Kongs
So all those dumb cliches
"Are yours babe" - so I says
That those who crave this pap
Their brains will turn to crap
And if all rights turn wrongs
I still won't write pop songs.

Thursday 16 June 2011


Make me one with everything
Asked the Buddhist of the vendor,
Nothingness is what we sing
Dreamt the bird so small and tender,
All is one and one is all,
Liminal we stand or fall
And so nirvana render.

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Double Agent

By accepting the validity of both love and anger
I am patently at peace with my dark doppelganger
You have to know that you’re dealing with a double agent
To find the good in this, to reach the ultimate reagent.

It’s not what I’m called that should define what I am
Instead it’s what I am that should define what I’m called
It’s not where you’ve been that should determine who you are
It’s where you’re going next which lets emerge your inner R.

By swapping parallel worlds with our regular reality
I know that we will reach a final chemical singularity
So when I find myself entangled in a strange strong resistance
I always think of Einstein’s words: its spooky action at a distance.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Means End

Does the end justify the means?
Or do the means justify the end?
Well, the means don't justify the means,
And the end's just justified, it seems.

Does the word justify the thought?
Or does the thought justify the word?
Well: thought can fly solo if its hurled
While the word’s justified by unjust world.

Sunday 12 June 2011


Kept secrets of the past, denied
That was me, my brains were fried;
Faces merge within the crowd
That one’s me, up on the cloud.

Your face rings bells, were you my lover?
Or is that something I’ll discover?
This place feels strange, like déjà vu
Or is that stuff I’ve yet to do?

I don’t hide things, but they do get lost,
I don’t buy rings, but still pay the cost;
This place is mine, you’ll find me here
Within walls of love built from bricks of fear.

Whenever I’m backed into a corner
I always lie, it’s the way I mourn; their
Faces blur, smudge into cloud,
I stand here still, these words endowed.

Secrets of the past are well worth losing,
Makes it look like our actions were on-the-spot choosing,
When echoes of the future are what we’re holding,
When what’s going on is really fate unfolding.

Monday 6 June 2011

The Journey

Drive your ego like a Harley:
Sit far back, hold grips real gnarly,
Zoom on like Billy and Charlie -
Thank you Shulgins and Bob Marley.

Egos don't like meeting death,
They'll up the anti and spit out an F -
When you let the ego make your choices
It will shout down all your inner voices.

So grab the reins or handle-bars,
Then over-take those front-drive cars -
And don't forget this contemplation:
It's the journey that counts, not the destination.

Sunday 5 June 2011

The Truth

Lies become reality:
She wears them like a frock,
So that her prime creation
Cannot tell cunt from cock.

Believe your propaganda?
It's meant for them not you!
For someone had to do it:
So I would do it too.

Saturday 4 June 2011

The Tweet

Twitter's damn loquacious
So very cyberspacious
But utterly ungracious
Back-turning so to face us


With every relapse I'm uncovering
That discovering is recovering
Even though, to the government,
I am breaking legal covenant.

(I grew up with no mnemonics,
escaped death via economics,
then pumped up by ergonomics
I set sail to pure ergodics)